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Connect to The Prophet, read his works, and more!

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Read The Gospels of 'The Flock', connect with the Prophet and more!


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The Flock

About us

We are a young religion, founded by The Prophet, blessed be His name.  While he left us for many years, he has recently returned.  His return ushered in a New Age.  The Messiah has been shown, and we all work to awake The Creator.


The truth has been hidden from Mankind until The Prophet, blessed be His name, esltablished 'The Flock' in 1996.  Since then we have 18 wings in 15 different states and we are establishing 4 more, each in a new state.  The Flock likes to keep each wing small enough to establish a friendly and communal place to worship.  Currently we have almost 20,000 members nationwide.  

We are a dualist religion that believes there are two equal and opposing deities.  The Creator is just that- the one who established and created the world.  Since the age of miracles (circa 1950 years ago), The Creator has been slumbering.  While He has been sleeping, The Usurper has gained immense power.  He has perverted the Old and New testament to make a mockery of The Creator.  The Usurper is the source of all evil and can be found in the actions of God in the Bible.  He is a power-hungry, attention deprived, devious, genocidalm worhipper-abuding liar who has made good into evil and  evil into good.  He desires nothing more than the destruction of the world- which Christians refer to as The Apocalypse.


On the other hand, The Creator wants His world to live forever and he cherishes all His Creation.  As such, we are a religion that cherishes all acts of creation- from the homosexual union which results in the creation of souls to the heterosexual creation of a the body to house the soul.  We are environmentalists who work to protect His Creation.  Since He has made all people equal, we live in a commune that provides food, clothing, shelter, sexual equality and the freedom to worship without all the modern distractions.


There are four major human figures:  The Prophet who has a diirect link to The Creator, The Scribe who can see the prophecies and translate them, The Tainted Prophet who can hear the words of The Creator but is aligned with The Usurper, and The Messiah who will awaken The Creator and battle on His behalf against the forces of The Usurper.


We do not believe in the end-times, but we do believe the future will open up a new beginning, one in which Man is at peace and all are equal with eachother.


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